Can I just tell you that you are all the best and that my mailbox is literally flooded with love. I have never had this much mail or love before in my life!! You are all SO awesome!
So, I have been gone for 3 months already... only 15 months until you all have to deal with me again.. And let me tell you, it is flying!! Maybe because we are so busy!... We just set a baptismal date with a couple,Carmen and Josue and before they get baptized, they also need to be married, so we are planning a wedding as well. They are so humble and awesome! We are constantly finding and teaching people in the most random places that you would not believe! It is awesome.
I had a really awesome experience with the Book of Mormon this week. I did my personal study in the morning like always, and later that day we went to go visit an inactive family that we didn't know anything about. To our surprise, they had left the church a long time ago, and now they're Catholic. They said that members of our church don't recognize Mary as being special, or chosen. Right when they said that, I remembered the very verse I had studied that morning in Alma! "....she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God." --Alma 7:10 I was able to share that with them, and it was so awesome. My institute teacher, Brother G always says that your morning studies in the scriptures are specific to things you need to know that day, and can use that very day, and it is so true! If you want direction in every single day of your life, open the scriptures! I learn every day that nothing is coincidence. My friend told me that my mission would be for other people, but mainly for me, and it's so true. I came here to teach, but every day all I do is learn.

Have a blessed Christmas! I love you all. Thank you so very much for all of your support and love!