I'm just gonna try to explain this series of pictures below. They are
out of order, but they explain the week I've had.
1. Sweet little girls in my ward (the one on the right's name is
Juliet and they call her Juju..sound familiar?)
2. The moment when we actually turned into superheroes and had to save
the town from a giant branch that had fallen down into the road, but
was still attached to the tree.... Awkward. It was really dark and
cars were hitting it full speed, nearly breaking windows. So we just grabbed it, held it out of the way (it's WAY bigger than the picture makes it seem) and waited, until suddenly a quite scary man came from the apartments behind us with a stepstool and a SAW, out of nowhere.
There we were, in the middle of the night, with me holding the giant
branch out of the way, while the man was on the stool, sawing away, and I was shielding my eyes from the saw dust....
Pretty funny stuff
3. Dinner with the Cortes family

4. El bautismo de Alex! We had the opportunity to teach this little
guy!! He is happy! He's just not one for smiling.. Haha
5. Crazy Texans
6. Hermana Lowry and I 💗 I love her. Shhh
7. A family made me CAFE RIO... Tin and all!
It was the happiest moment ever.
8. General Conference!! This weekend, the world had the awesome
opportunity to hear the prophet speak! It was amazing! We also
listened to apostles, and other great leaders.
One of my favorite
talks was from President Uchtdorf. He said: "It matters not how you
became lost." And spoke of the redeeming power of the Savior, Jesus
Christ, and how he wants to save us, but we have to let him. If you
want to check it out, go here:
During general conference, I recognized a familiar face, singing...
Crystal! I jumped up and said "That's my friend!!" ....awkward hahaha
9. Flashback to us leaving the MTC in Mexico and driving to the
airport to come to Texas! I can't believe we've been gone almost 7
months now...
I had the best week ever!!! I hope you all have a chance to click on
the link and find a talk from general conference that can answer the
questions of your soul. I know I always receive answers when I listen
to inspired servants of God. I love you all, and hope you have an
amazing week!
Love, Hermana Sheirbon ❤️