Hello my lovely family and friends! October 01, 2015
Mexico is loco!!! There are constant fireworks outside... Fourth of July 24/7, mixed with cannons! So hilarious and exciting. It was weird at first, but I am used to it now. You should know that here in the Mexico MTC, even though I am a missionary (and I LOVE IT more than ANYTHING) I am still same-old me. I eat all the crazy Mexican food they make us instead of the American-looking stuff and my district laughs at me... so you can say not much has changed in that area. Still LOVE my Mexican food. What can I say other than that I LOVE my companion, Hermana Edmonds, who just barely graduated high school and is from West Valley, Utah, LOVE my district...they are my best friends here, and I love being a missionary more than anything. I don't want to leave because leaving will mean that I'll have to say goodbye to mi companion and district, and I never want to. I just want to stay here and learn Spanish and improve forever until I can teach real people the best way possible.
I found out this week that I'm in the intermediate Spanish class...though I'm not sure why because the elders en my district all know some Spanish before they came here and my companion and I never studied any Spanish... It is crazy how the Spirit has taught us so much in just one week. Last night was our fourth time teaching our investigator to the church, Rosa, solely in Español...which we have had to do from the very first lesson. We talked about the plan of salvation because she said her uncle had just died, and she loved it and said it gave her hope. Two nights ago, she committed to baptism, and no, I do not even read from a script! It is amazing how though my grammar is probably that of a two year old in Spanish, our message is able to come across, we're able to understand, and teach. I love Rosa so much, even though she's an actor, she is good at pretending she is truly an investigator and clueless about the gospel. Although, I did ask her accidentally in one lesson if her heart felt muy caliente when she read El Libro de Mormon (the Book of Mormon) the night before, and she said "No!!!!" with a surprised look....and I realized I had basically asked her if her heart felt hot when I was trying to ask her if she felt a warm feeling in her heart (the Holy Ghost). I'm still laughing about that one. Also, my companion keeps answering people on accident that she's "very sexy" in Spanish, when they ask her how she is doing.
Hermana Edmonds and I had an awesome experience this week when there was a sister in the bathroom crying with her companion, and the other sisters in her district, saying how much she missed home, and how hard it was to be away. We were able to hug her, and talk to her for a while. By the end, she was laughing, and the next day, the other sisters in her district bought us cookies...(you know how happy I was about that), because they said what we had done made a huge difference for that sister, and we didn't know how much of a difference we had made for her. We felt so happy that we were able to help someone..There is a tight schedule here, but it doesn't feel very tight because we are doing the Lord's work and always have the help of the Spirit. There are so many little moments like that, which I love!
My district is basically full of funny big brothers to me, even though they're basically all 18...They're always laughing with me, and keeping things fun. I laugh and smile like crazy with my district. We really are like one big family, already. On the second day we were here, people were noting how we were oddly close for basically being strangers to each other. I definitely hit the jackpot! So many blessings!
Also, here in the Mexico MTC, we live in houses! Yes, we have our own house, own laundry room, it is perfecto! I feel so at peace and it is like a giant neighborhood where everyone constantly speaks Spanish, and everyone is so kind.
This morning my district went to the Mexico City temple...SO COOL!! I seriously loved it.
I love you all so much and want to tell you that yo se que JesuCristo es el Salvador del mundo! I am so grateful for all of your prayers. I can feel them always. Life is awesome here and I hope it is back home too!
Love SIEMPRE, Hermana Sheirbon
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